Need someone to come spice up your corporate event? Need a fierce voice to spit truth at a women’s empowerment retreat? Whether you need someone to lighten the mood or to provide the tough love, I’ll meet you where you’re at. Pass me the microphone, and the energy will follow.

After putting 13 years of hard work and deep investment into my entrepreneurship skills, I have naturally developed a verbiage that is fine-tuned for marketing and motivating. Combine that with the unique set of hurdles I’ve overcome, and you get a one-of-a-kind perspective that is eager to be shared! As much as I am looking forward to sharing the times I have experienced success in my business and personal life, I also value the times I have struggled and failed. Overcoming these hardships has made me a better friend, daughter, business-owner, and partner. You can’t have luxury without relatability: Let’s get honest, vulnerable, and ready to grow!

So fill me in on the context of the who, the what, and the why, and I’ll be sure to deliver with a message and vibe that is carefully crafted to fit the occasion at hand.


Hotels. Restaurants. Venues. The list goes on. Feeling like you need a second set of eyes on the logistics and efficiency of how your business is operating? That’s where I come in.

The facts are this: whether it’s at work, at home, or DoorDash giving you the latest update on your McDonald’s order, there is nothing sexier than good communication. I have executed countless luxury events at different venues around the world, and have been thrown into the deep end of every possible scenario you can imagine, (and probably some that you can’t). Each and every one of these has thrived on the foundation of communication.

But we won’t stop there! After the bedrock of communication has been set, it’s time to enact the other C-word: collaboration. After building up several companies in which I am the CEO, having the support of a team behind me has given me experience with delegating responsibilities to achieve the maximum level of efficiency. So whether I am running an event as the head of the company, or am jumping in to a new environment to facilitate and support, collaboration will be there to see us through! We’ll kiki and pinpoint specific, immediate ways to improve the hospitality of your space. Who knows? Maybe by this time next year you’ll be hosting one of Premini’s luxury weddings!


Planning an event and feel like something is off that you just can’t name? Hold my Prada and put me in, Coach!

Over a decade of event planning experience has left me not only with an eye for the logistical, but an eye for the creative. Energy doesn’t lie; you can’t just throw a DJ, decor, and food into a space and call it a luxury event! Give me that empty room, and I’ll give you back several ways to completely transform it that will also support the vibe you’re looking to create. From flow and logistics to custom details, no stone will be left unturned.

There’s a secret sauce for taking your event to the next level. I’m not ready to give away all my tricks just yet, but I’m here to tell you that personalized details are EVERYTHING! In order to make an experience truly immersive, you have to do just that; immerse. Stick with me, and I’ll think of a way to cater to each of the five senses of your guests to craft a custom experience that they will be telling their friends about for years to come. We’ll leave them walking way wondering how they were so effortlessly transported into the world of your bespoke event!